Monday, June 24, 2013

Hi everyone.  Sorry for the delay.
Have you ever marveled at God's creation?  Not just thought "Wow.  That's pretty," but actually studied it really closely?  It is wonderful to look at, but if you study it really closely, it just gets better.
Take the woodpecker, for example.  God somehow taught it to close it's eyes the first time that the first one pecked.  "Why?" some of you might wonder.  The reason is that if the woodpecker's eyes would pop out if it didn't, so great is the force of the blow.  The first woodpeckers had to know this, yet until they actually pecked, how could they?  The only answer is that God put it in the woodpecker's natural instincts.  Amazing, right?
Take any other animal.  They all have natural instincts and features that all point to the fact that they could not possibly evolved, because if they did, the very first ones would have died before it could reproduce, thus there would not be any of those creatures.  God had to create them.
For more amazing animals, check out the documentary series "Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution."  It's interesting and highly informative.
It is indeed true.  All creatures really do glorify God.

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