Thursday, August 22, 2013

Cyber vs. Reality

     Hey, everybody.  How many of you use Facebook?  I'm guessing just about all.  I don't, but many, many teens do.  How many of you text?  I am guessing most of you.  How many use Twitter?  Again, I'm guessing a lot.  So many teens use social websites or text messages, and I just want to say this:  while they're useful tools, don't fall into the all too common trap of spending too much time on them.  You probably think, "Well, I personally don't spend much time on it."  Well, time yourself.  See if that is so.  I challenge you.
     One thing that I really can't stand seeing is when teens text constantly.  Texting some is fine.  I will never do it, but it is okay if other people choose to do it.  But if you just stand in a school, a public building, or an amusement park for a while, you will notice.  And you will get annoyed.  I saw some teens at a local amusement park la few days ago, and after every single ride and between rides, they were on their phones, texting or surfing the web.  
     As I said, texting and surfing the web some is fine.  It just gets excessive when that's all you do.  So time yourself, and see how long you are on social websites and texting.  Make sure you spend a lot of time in the real world as well as the cyber world.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hey everybody GS here.  I've been doing bog maintenance for this blog for the last few years since I stopped being the main poster.  I've just realized that there are dead links here and there around this blog give me a few days and I'll try to get those fixed.  Thanks for understanding.
The Big One

Friday, August 2, 2013

A lot has been happening lately.  Bombs, shootings, wars, natural disasters, crashes, and other terrible things.  But do you ever feel detached from it all?  You know, like you are concerned about it and all, but it isn't that big?  Obviously, if it happened to you, it would seem different.  Just remember that it could.  Those things in the news tell about things that happen to people just like us.
Ever noticed that with nearly every terrible event, there is a hero?  I don't know about all of them, but with at least some of them, the reason that they kept a level head during those times might be because they avoided thinking "Oh, those things happen to other people, not me."  If they were mentally prepared, even just a little bit, they could have kept a level head better.  But than, I don't know.  But it is something to think about, isn't it?