Friday, February 26, 2010

New Video

A new Generation Joshua Promo video was made by GS
if you prefer to view it on tangle
Click Here

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

WANTED: Research Assistant for Documentary

Hey Everybody,

There is a documentary about the Parental Rights Amendment, UNCRC, and the precarious status of family life in the U.S. being made. They are looking for volunteers to help them.
The one person who is doing the script-drafting process is looking for some people to help with research. The official job summary is as follows: read, read, and read some more. Then summarize what you have read and be able to report your findings to the head writer. Location shouldn't be an issue, as long as you have access to a phone and computer... skype and chat would be helpful as well.
The job is voluntary so there is no pay and they're super flexible with everybody's schedules.
Also if you have a Blog, advertise for this, and recruit people who might want to get involved. Spreading the word always helps, so tell a friend.
To get more information, email . If you want more information on The Parental Rights Amendment visit . Stay tuned and I will give more updates as they come available.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Do Your Research Before You Vote


Who's conservative and who's liberal. Don't look at their party; look at their record.
Many people believe Charlie Dent, Republican candidate for Congress in Pennsylvania, is a Conservative. Look at his record and decide for your self.
Do you believe he is conservative or liberal?
I couldn't find anything complaining about a Conservative Democrat but found this article about some of the blue dogs who voted against the Health Care bill.

Would you call all of them Liberal?
Of course these are things other people put together; people can twist things around. I recommend that you do your research on these Topics and see what the other side says.
Also instead of voting party line research all candidates and decide based on their records.

Doing Hard Things Right Where You Are. book Bomb

Hey everybody Alex and Brett Harris, Authors of do hard things, just published a new book  Doing Hard Things Right Where You Are. They have launched a book bomb to Promote the book.  To get involved in it click the link below.
Deadline is at the end of  2/23/2010

Start Here - Amazon Book Bomb

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Lehigh Valley races 2010

 Lehigh Valley Pa. Races put together by GS

Here are some political races from the Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania.


Chris Doherty (Scranton Mayor)
Joe Hoeffel (Montgomery County Commissioner,
Ex-Congressman & '04 US Senate Nominee)
Dan Onorato (Allegheny County Executive, Ex-Allegheny County Controller & Ex-Pittsburgh City
Jack Wagner (State Auditor General, Ex-State Sen,Ex-Pittsburgh Council President & USMC Veteran)

Tom Corbett (Attorney General & Ex-US Attorney)
Robert Allen Mansfield (Businessman & National Guard Veteran)
Rich Massafra (System Engineer, Businessman)
Sam Rohrer (State Rep. & Businessman)

Rich Gordon (Truck Driver, Ex-Businessman & Retired Port Authority Worker)

Lieutenant Governor

Carol Aichele (Chester County Commissioner, Ex-Chester County Controller &
Ex-Tredyffrin-Easttown School Board Member)
Jim Crawley (Bucks County Commissioner, Attorney & Ex- State College Republicans Chair)
Russ Diamond (Recording Studio Owner, Musician & Frequent Candidate)
Nick DiFrancesco (Dauphin County Commissioner,Ex-Highspire Borough Council President & National Guard Veteran)
Steve Johnson (Businessman, Army Veteran & Community Activist)
Rick Schenker (Ex-Erie County Executive, Ex-Christian Coalition State Director & Salesman)
Joe Watkins (Businessman, Pastor, Ex-GHW Bush White House Aide & Ex-Congressional Aide
Jonathan Saidel (Ex-Philadelphia City Controller, Attorney & Author)
Doris Smith Ribner (Retired Commonwealth Court Judge)



Arlen Specter
Mike Mentzer (HVAC Contractor & Navy Veteran)
Joe Sestak (Congressman & Retired Navy Admiral)
Joseph Vodvarka (Machinist & '04 Candidate)


Wendal Banks (Minister)
John Kensinger (Pharmacist & '01/'02 US Rep. Candidate)
Peg Luksik (Conservative Activist, Businesswoman)
Lary Murphy (Businessman)
Pat Toomey (Ex-Congressman, Club for Growth President, Businessman & '04 Candidate)
Robert Townsend (Retired Police Officer & Navy Veteran)


Mike Yilit (Pastoral Degree Student & Construction Worker)



Charlie Dent
Mathew Benol (Tea Party Activist & Packaging Company Project Manager)

John Callaham (Bethlehem Mayor)

Jake Towne